ULN has launched a PRODUCT UPDATE TAB which will feature various types of products,
to have your products Listed / Featured under this TAB, do contact us.
Greetings from Urban Lifestyle News (ULN), www.urbanlifestylenews.com
is a Lifestyle news Portal based in Mumbai, India.
The portal provides latest news on Past, Current & Forthcoming Events and other services
such as Editorial coverage, New Launches & reviews.
We invite you to send us your Press release, we also have a Business Listing feature.
If you wish to feature events on this portal, mail the details of the event, venue, dates and timings with an image.
The Portal has also launched a platform to create an Exposure for Multi Talented people who
are creative & passionate about what they do.
Press release, Articles and listing can be sent to our
Email id: uln@urbanlifestylenews.com
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IF its here its HAPPENING
ULN has launched a PRODUCT UPDATE TAB which will feature various types of products,
to have your products Listed / Featured under this TAB, do contact us.
Greetings from Urban Lifestyle News (ULN), www.urbanlifestylenews.com
is a Lifestyle news Portal based in Mumbai, India.